This bingo card has a free space and 36 words: Host sings, 90's country, Terrance's hometown is:_______, one hit wonder, another birthday, ACDC, Carrie Underwood, 60's song, "Sweet Caroline", camo, Terrance's actual b-day is: _______, duet, white girl wasted, Terrance sings "Jack & Diane", Canadian artist, 70's song, white guy rap, birthday shot, 80's hair band, "Don't Stop Believin'", boy band, Queen, Terrance's favourite alcohol is:______, artist OD'd, name of Terrance's dog is: _______, sappy love song, Bon Jovi, double fisting, 90's grunge, air guitar, song from a movie soundtrack, singer looking for validation, too drunk to sing, standing ovation, bad joke on stage and serious talent.
Network Hits Bingo | XMAS KARAOKE! | DJ Helicase's Monday Night Jammin' Bingo Board | Triple J Hottest 100 | RAP SONGS>>>>>>
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