This bingo card has 25 words: "World-class company", EBIDTA, Bad Raj joke, Sports metaphor, Indifference to employee morale, Growing pains, Pep rally talk, Useless HR update, "Synergy", Code Advisor shoutout, Contradictory utilization guidance, Playing off a bad thing as a good thing, Dumb new initiative, Brown-nosing question, "Cross-selling", Alluding to selling products, Unfavorable change hidden in Q&A, "Drive sales", White man promotion, Tokenism, "I just want to add..", Org chart, Hillard Heintze shoutout, Praise between execs and "Advancing the science of safety".
Town Hall Bingo | Town Hall Bingo | Town Hall Bingo | Town Hall Bingo | Town Hall Bingo
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