This bingo card has a free space and 64 words: 6th Circuit, Regulatory Uncertainty, Tributary, Regulations, Significant Nexus, Challenges to 2015 Rule, Vacatur, NYSDAM, Clean Water Act, Dissent, Jurisdiction, Intermittent, ASWM, ACE, Perennial, Plurality, Confusing, Scalia, Upland, WOTUS, Ephemeral, Rule, Concurrence, South Carolina, Dredge and Fill Permit, Rapanos, Guidance, Lake Champlain, SCOTUS, Kennedy, Wetland, Rivers and Harbors Act, Riverside Bayview Homes, Territorial Sea, Prior Converted Cropland, Ditch, Migratory Bird Rule, Traditional Navigable Water, Prairie Pothole, Repeal, Groundwater, 1986, Economic Growth, EPA, 2019, Stay, Obama, Chemical, Trump, Federal Register, Administrative Procedure Act, Typical Year, SWANCC, Adjacent, Puddles, River, ACWA, Executive Order 13778, Dictionary, NYSDEC, Mirror Lake, 2018, Impoundment and District Court.
Federal Rules Bingo | Quiz 2 Bingo: Healthy Policy as Law | Plus Mastery #5 | SIPPS Plus Mastery Test #5 | Policy and Legislation in Nursing Bingo
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