This bingo card has 30 words: Only Child, Loves to Cook, I am a twin or a mother of twins, Love watching NBA, Loves to Roller Skate, Inventor, Traveled to at least 5 states, Plays an instrument, Loves MD Crabs, Shy person, Enjoys Shopping, Visited a foreign country, Netflix Hulu binge watcher, Very Outgoing, I am a writer, Loves music, I am a grand mother, Enjoys playing Cards, You can find me at the SPA, Enjoys attending outdoor events, Reads fiction novels, Ravens Fan, Attended a musical in the last 3 months, Has a pet, Loves old movies, Enjoys going to the gym, Favorite time of year Fall, You will find me at the gym, My kids are in college and Owns a business.
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
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