This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Audrey flames one of them, "Pottymouth!", You see Owen is the halls more than once in a day, Johnathon says "Well, actually", Justin acts like he's in charge, Justin says something about Berry Sax, Jonah accepts a challenge, One of them starts playing the show, Jonah plays modern music on a mallet instrument, Nour does a Luke Level pun, Enzo touches someone, Michelle says she's bad at music, Johnathan tries to show Dr. V a meme (Mini Tyler???), Michelle plays "Peppa Pig" Theme, Owen makes "Keegan" plural, Owen wears Nats gear, Johnathan talks about the weather, Enzo talks about wanting to be leadership, More than 3 of them are wearing the Drumline shirt in a dat, "Hollllyyyy", One of them complains about Concert 2, Enzo acts like he's in charge, One of them complains about Johnathan and Owen makes an inappropriate joke.
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