This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: We get to a run through by the end of the day, All 4 AD’s are present at the same time, Faith makes a beat and everyone joins in and sings, Wiley is the last person to the stage, Someone takes something from the SM office without asking, Everyone is back from their meal break on time, Quinn gets called “Big Daddy”, Someone gets a massage while on stage, Maddy makes a stage manager joke, Lauren says something incriminaging over headset and Josh hears It, Emily says "bada bing" over the god mic, Emily says "That's new", Someone realizes that Lauren is only looking at their forehead when talking to them, Chris punches someone, Some tries to use the pit without telling anyone, People start talking in an accent, No incident reports filed, 2 People are late to their call, We get to Emily’s goal spot for the day, Meghan does an arm wave with Danny and Zoé, No one leaves anything in the Greenroom at the end of day, Someone gets called out for walking on the Marley floor in their shoes, Someone’s foot is bleeding and Liam Tik Tok dances on stage.
Tech Bingo BB | TECH BINGO BABY | Tech Bingo BB | Burfday Bimgo | Burfday Bimgo
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
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