REI 67 Retail Bingo

REI 67 Retail Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: $1000 purchase, more than 8 items left in fitting room, kids all over the test rock in footwear, line 10, customer tries to use expired coupon, "do you rent skis?", kids on bikes in store, customer loses personal item, go-back bin is full, mannequin missing an item of clothing, customer asks to unbox a tent, "there's no price. it must be free", "manager to (dept)", kids crying in store, Wally, holiday music, customer still has remaining dividend, customer loses person they came with, line wraps around thru to camp, line wraps around thru to odw, customer with 4+ pairs of skis/snowboards for shop service, all fitting rooms in use, customer testing a climbing harness and "do you have more in the back? can you check?".

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