Fall Prevention

Fall Prevention Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 30 words: Non-slip Mat, Non-skid Sneakers, Using Grab Bars in the Bathroom, Increased Lighting, Annual Vision Checkup, Annual Hearing Checkup, Scan the Environment, Stand Up Slowly, Lock your Brakes, Reacher, Replace with Non-movable Chairs with Armrests, Call for Help, Pace Yourself, Clothes that do not drag, Inspect your feet, Push up from your armrests, Push your Life Alert, Call Daily at a Set Specific Time, Tai Chi, Remove Clutter from the Floors, Seated, Sit on shower bench, Back up until both legs are against surface, Get close as you can to the task, Fear of falls, Shop at less busy times, Visual cue to remind others to be careful, Call ahead to ask about bathrooms, lighting, business, ramps, Take medications on time as prescribed and Schedule a doctor’s appointment.

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