This bingo card has a free space and 34 words: Olivia brings up UK, Amy repeats a joke and says jokes never die, Malinda yells 'fun fun fun!', Cheech says, 'sooory', Carmen+ Amy = uncomfortable, Lauren tells a story we've all heard, Leah brings up the holodomor, Maggie admits to not knowing what's going on, Dr. Fox THE BIG ISSUE, Kyle says 'I despise humanity', Spencer tells the story about Tina, Luke brings up Dave, Caissa "a room full of people is not her idea of fun", Ricardo offers you a drink, Luciana breaks out in song, Chuck says, "what's up guys?", Charles sings a Christmas carol, Becky brings Andres, Lynae touches a male teacher on shoulder or arm, Trevor brings up his resourceful sweater, Michael talks about recruiting, Luisa gets offended, Vero cries, Maria complains about the BO not doing anything, Gerald brings up LSU, Sarah talks about the Christmas program, Kandy cries, Tyler doesn't show up, Kathy leaves early, Rebecca and Megan leave, Trevor cries during the prayer, Tim makes any social situation awkward, Susan doesn't wish you a merry christmas and Olivia tries to make Chuck feel included.
W6 Party Bingo | Velastegui Bingo | BOBBY BIRTHDAY BINGO | Liv Bingo | Mr. Lentz Bingo
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