Zanjero Cup Human Bingo

Zanjero Cup Human Bingo Card

This bingo card has 27 words: This player once played in a tournament that had only 4 people in their division., This person’s favourite dish is chicken rice., This youth is a current captain of his/her school’s Scrabble team., At the first Zanjero Cup, this player famously bingoed ZANJEROS with the Z and J designated as blanks., This player won as many Singapore Nationals as Australian Nationals, winning the latter first., This player completely skipped the 1700 region for ratings and hence the SM title en route to attaining his NM title., Longest winning streak in Singapore against a player, This player’s name is chanted as an invocation of the Tile God., Youngest player at this year’s Zanjero Cup, This non-GM player works at HDB (Housing Development Board)., This player famously got away with an endgame triple-triple phony to win a Schools game and went on to win the tournament., This player went to a tournament with barely any sleep and won it., Ricky once started a game with negative time, and proceeded to beat his opponent. Who was the unfortunate victim?, This player only realised that bingos existed and gave an extra 50 points in the middle of a Schools tournament game., This player’s only international tournament win was one without prize money., This player once went overtime in a Schools tournament after only 2 turns and proceeded to lose the game by around 600 points., This player is currently studying at a post-secondary institution., This player once exchanged one of two blanks, bingoed the next turn, took the second blank and bingoed again to win the game., This player called out his teammate’s phony in a Schools tournament which cost his team the win and got beaten up for it., This player played a phony bingo which got challenged off, costing his team 1st place in a Schools tournament., This player has ~237 different opponents in SA throughout the course of his/her Scrabble career, which is probably the most among current SA members., Based on the current list of SA members, this player is the 40th person to attain his/her M title and above., Numerous Scrabble battles have been fought at tournaments within this player’s household, with almost 100 of such occurrences till date., 2 GMs in SA brought their sons to Scrabble tournaments, one of them played more games than the other. Whose son was it?, This player studied International Relations (in Chinese!) in a Chinese university., This player is one of only two to successfully defend the Singapore Nationals. and This player finished 2nd in Singapore Nationals the most number of times..

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.