The Game Mechanic

The Game Mechanic Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 60 words: "If I had a nickel", Reroll, Why are IZs bad?, New sub, Georgia, the country, Buys a tile, Tea, Heroic Age, Comcast issues, Builds Temple of Artemis, Barb issues, "Deity is easy", "Deity is hard", 1-turned on Wonder, Gets forward settled, Everyone hates GM, Builds Petra, Sub-200, Spawns next to Mapuche, Steals a builder or settler, Settles off water, Talks about Community, Meme religion name, Hard-techs something, Surprise war!, Districts pillaged by flood, Bad AI city/district placement, New world age, High rainfall (wet), "Maybe I'll just ignore this...", Regrets ignoring something, Themes art or artifact, Builds modern wonder, Builds atomic wonder, Drops a nuke, Loses resolution by 1 vote, Kills City State, Gets arena, loses Colosseum, Emergency declared against GM, Bathroom break, Lumber mill on a hill, Earth Goddess, Goddess of Festivals, Shout-out to streamer, Has to explain challenge, Forgets to switch tech or civic, Magnus is *not* first governor, Recruits Victor, Builds an aqueduct, Canal city, 8-12 cities at end of game, 24-month+ sub, Places a pin, Places 4+ pins turn 1, Naval game, Map type is *not* Pangea, Talks about Sportsball, Discussion about 3rd expansion, No iron and New quote is saved.

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Call List


With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.