This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Fire Alarm goes off between 2 and 6 AM, Fire chief comes., Caused by burnt food, Goes off 3 hours before shabbos, Two fire alarms go off in the same day, Fire alarm goes off in same building 3 times in a row, Fire Alarm goes off while you are in the Shower, Fire Alarm is set off by air freshener, You know the person responsible for the Fire Alarm, Fire Alarm goes off at two out of the three meals in a day., Fire Alarm goes off on Friday night and shabbos day, Fire alarm is set off by a first time stoner, Fire Alarm is caused by some form of Body Spray Deodorant, Fire Alarm goes off while you are asleep, Fire alarm goes off when Ashi is off campus, At least 10 Fire Alarms go off in one month, Fire Alarm goes off while you are in the bathroom., Fire Alarm goes off while it is snowing, Fire Alarm goes off when the temperature is less than 25 degrees, Fire Alarm goes off 3 hours before the buses come, Fire Alarm goes off while it is raining, Fire Alarm goes off while you are away from the dorm but still on campus, Fire alarm goes off from wax or vape and Fire Alarm goes off while eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner in your dorm.
Fire Alarm Bingo | COVID-19 BINGO | University of Michigan COVID-19 Bingo | OFFICE BINGO! | Zoom Session
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