Jobs Bingo

Jobs Bingo Card

This bingo card has 41 words: works in an office, has a degree, works with kids, needs to speak a foreign language, works in beauty field, is self employed, goes to work before 6.30am, both parents work, is an accountant, works at a large organization, has been promoted in last year, is a workaholic, free, sometimes works weekends, is retired, has a company car, has worked in more than 3 jobs, is a manager, has a nice boss, has a long commute, has an assistant, works with their hands, works Part-time, works in healthcare, works for a non-profit, Is a consultant, volunteers 10 hrs/week or more, works in IT, Works in HR, works in Marketing, is a Realtor, Can get us Girl Scout Cookies, Can help you financially, Is currently hiring, Is looking for a job, Works evenings, Can help you with a mortgage, Is the current MDWA President, Is Co-Chair of the Networking Committee, Has an idea for networking in 2020 and Would like to join the Networking Committee.

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