This bingo card has a free space and 43 words: Greek name is ZEUS, King of the gods, My symbol is a lightning bolt, Greek name is HERA, Queen of the gods, My animal is a peacock, King of the underworld, Parents are Cronus & Rhea, Animal is three-headed dog (Cerberus), Greek name is Hestia, Symbol is a hearth and fire, Greek name is Poseidon, Symbol is a trident, God of the sea, God of the sun, God of music, God of prophecy, Brother of Diana, God of war, Greek name is Ares, Symbol is a war helmet, Greek name is Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, Married to Vulcan, Born from the sea, Greek name is Dionysus, God of parties, Greek name is Hermes, Messenger god, Greek name is Athena, Goddess of war, Symbol is a hammer, Blacksmith god, Goddess of the moon, My animal is a deer, My symbol is a bow and arrow, Sister of Apollo, Sister of Jupiter, Goddess of grain and harvest, Greek name is Demeter, Queen of the underworld, Greek name is Persephone and Wife of Pluto.
Mythology Museum | Mythology Museum | Mythology Museum | Y7 Greek Gods | Greek Gods of the Odyssey
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