
This bingo card has a free space and 26 words: do you have a new cookie?, when i was little, cookies were only ?? a box, do you have shortbread cookies?, do you have anything sugar free?, i can't eat cookies, do you have samples?, i was a girl scout when i was little, tell me about one of your badges, do you give discounts?, how long have you been a girl scout?, what are you using cookie money for?, do you have savanna smiles?, are your cookies made with real girl scouts?, do you have samoans or samosas?, did you make all these cookies?, do you girls go to camp?, how much are the cookies?, i already bought some cookies, i have so many cookies at home, i can't eat gluten or do you have gluten free?, how do i sign up my girl as a girl scout?, whats your favorite flavor?, i'm on a diet, do you take credit cards?, i'll buy some cookies on my way out and can you make change?.

More like this:

Cookie Booth Bingo Troop 115 | Troop Cookie Booth | Girl Scout Cookie Booth Bingo | COOKIE BOOTH BINGO | COOKIE BOOTH BINGO

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