Jew of A BINGO

Jew of A BINGO Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Left Hillel services to go to Chabad or JAC for dinner, Went to a shul off campus, Took Hebrew for the easy A, Went to Cookies & Conversation, Got mad after an Israel program, Went on the U of A Hillel Birthright trip, Got drunk at the Yom HaAtzmaut BBQ, Member of AEPhi, AEPi, ZBT, or Sammy, Judaic Studies minor, Went to Chabad for 8 staight days to eat KFP food, Have a favorite Chabad recipe, Was the last person at Hillel & locked up the building, Skipped class to hang out at Hillel, Participated in Sinai Scholars (Chabad) or Maimonides (JAC), Tabled on the mall for Hillel, Chabad, or JAC, Helped plan Israelpalooza or the Holocaust Vigil, Visited the Jewish History Museum, Went to an event at the Tucson JCC, Broke the YK fast at Sushi Garden, Did Tashlich at the Turtle Pond, Stayed at Hillel for ALL of Dead Day, Built a dorm room menorah at Hillel, Shook lulav on the Mall and Went to Have Tequila (l'chaim).

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Jew of A | Pizza & Purpose | Parents Weekend Bingo | HILLEL BINGO | Parents Weekend Bingo

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