MSRVidyaniketan Bingo!!

MSRVidyaniketan Bingo!! Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Bit your nails during assembly to escape the punishment, Came with a dirty white shoe and took help of a chalk, Requested to go to AV room and failed, Waited the whole day to enjoy rolls opposite to the school, Requested teacher not to put a substitute teacher to the class, Ever begged for PT period, Never followed the tieing hair up because looking good is important, Participated in Ramana Maharshi just to bunk few classes, Ever received chocolates from savitha mam for doing hw, Ever got mass punishment from Madhumalathi mam for talking, Ever got mass punishment for celebrating teacher's Day without taking permission from HM, Always requested computer mam to take to the lab instead of theory classes, Hated the class monitor for writing names in the CCE book, Kept nick names to teachers which they are still not aware of, Ever skipped the assembly by making fake excuses, Gave chocolate to HM during birthday just to receive another from her, Ever saw the library, Ever missed the old building, Fought for two seater bicycle in nursery, Loved the quadrangle in the old building, Made excuses and roamed the whole building, Had lot of expectations on send off, Always miss MSRVN and Slept during SS period and she never noticed.

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