This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: seen her laugh at something inappropriate like a funeral, been shocked by her dog bark, been forced to make a short film with her, justified her behavior with ADHD, watched her eat an entire bag of chips for breakfast, seen her ugly cry, told her to get some sleep, “wait”, watched her run over 3 curbs during a 5 minute drive, know what happens when her meds wear off, seen her when angry, “it’s an adventure”, watched her scream for no reason, “don’t leave”, watched her dance like a suburban mom at a party, seen her shock herself after saying something absurd, been smacked by her, “watch sharp objects”, “do you think I’ll be alone forever”, been asked 45 million questions about life by her, wanted her to stfu, “I should get my life together”, been embarrassed by her in public and “I believe in xyz” .... “sometimes, but most of the time I believe nothing”.
Family Bingo | Saadhvi's Birthday Bingo! | Saadhvi's Birthday Bingo! | Bingo | Keish Bingo
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