This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: seen me cry, called me a loser (@lina), studied with me, uve been there while i fought with my mom over the phone, watched a romcom with me, been on a study skype call w me, seen me drunk, met me more than two days in a row outside of class, seen me freak out over a grade, been on my snapstory, saw me with my multicolored braces, I took care of u when u were drunk, heard me play the guitar but like the only 2 songs i know, heard me sing, cooked/baked with me, ive told you to shut up, been on my insta, ive eaten ur snacks, i tell u about my college/HS friends (depending on who u are), eaten something i made, Spilled boy tea with me, my mom knows who you are, we’ve been on a trip together and ive called u randomly when im bored.
katies bingo | HANNAHS BINGOOOO | maddie’s bingo | Diya Bingo | Jcs Bingo
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