This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: won a game of grudgeball, was in mrs. burdick’s white group, ran in the field day relay race, stuffed bulletins, heard dr. brady ask connor what he had for breakfast, got yelled at for messing around in the lab, played manhunt during the harvest festival, got a stuffed gerbil from ms. mahon, Free!, watched spanish videos with puppets, helped choreograph the barney dance for the talent show, sang in the christmas radio contest for mr. jue, was in mrs. burdick’s red group, slow danced at a cyo dance, went to the library just to hang out with mrs. sawyer, saw ms. mccoey slip on the ice, mrs. fagan stuck her tongue out and shook her head at you, was in the music video for “Lord I lift your name on high”, stole a pretzel from mrs. conway’s room, played a cyo sport, played trap music on your ipad during class, played handbells or manbells, spent k-8 at hilarys and left class to help set up for an event.
St Pats Bingo | Qoa Bingo | Grace Christian Academy | St. Francis Bingo | 2E2 2019 bingo
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