This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: cried because of something Lisa said, almost fell asleep on the floor of a church (bonus points if it was during a concert), cried singing "In This Very Room", thought Kali was the coolest person ever, tried to recreate a Julie bun, snuck out of your room on tour, loved John Campana like a father, had Merce yell at you about your posture, had to call Josh to tell him you "ate a banana on the plane", drank some go go juice on tour, rolled your eyes at something Jordan did, asked Jane about her elbows, made a song about Brock, cried in the bathroom during rehearsal, referred to people one year younger than you as "little girls", had a meal at Lisa's house, got yelled at for something Mikayla got away with, hooked up with someone on tour then never spoke to them again, faked being sick to leave rehearsal early so you could finish homework and go to bed at a decent hour, enjoyed being called "women", snuggled with a S.O. on the plane home from tour, begged Leslie to let you leave early so you could go to your prom, still remember all of the choreography to Jabberwocky and clapped when you found out Corey was gone for good.
PGT Bingo | DBT's Ballet Quarantine Bingo | Suvidhya Bhavan Bingo | steel drum bingo | The Acapostles Bingo
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