
This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: Riley gets a chocolate cupcake, Riley tries to eat wrapping paper, Everett tries to open Riley's present, Everett wants to help blow out the candle, Riley cries, Everett asks for more ice cream for the 3rd time, Riley doesn't eat all her cupcake, Everett tries to play with Riley's presents before her, Riley wants more ice cream, Riley waves to everyone, Everett says "Hi!", Riley wants more fruit for the third time, Timothy and/or Rachael look ready to strangle Everett for being crazy, Too many people on the video call talk at once, Riley shrieks happily, Riley's shirt gets covered in ice cream, Riley's face is covered in food, Everett runs in circles around the room, Everett wants to do presents first, Everett takes his clothes off, Riley throws away her own wrapping paper, Riley tries to eat a present, Everett asks for more fruit for the fourth time, Riley opens the present WITHOUT Everett, Riley gets a vanilla cupcake, Everett wants to do cake and ice cream first, Riley tries to leave the room, Everett cries and Everett sits still for longer than five minutes.

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