This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Never used your locker, Hated Athletics., Touched coach Halsteids head, Saw Ms Robertson’s cry, “Bully report”, “The emo table”, Witnessed Esther and Steve, Had Snoddgrass, Powerlifters, Crush on Huffer, Royals., Slap box, “cease and desist “, Dominators, Crush on Ms. Ramsey or Snoddgrass, Had a name JUST for Spanish class, “New beginnings “, Male gym teacher made you uncomfortable, Wylie way class, Olympian, Forgot what home room you had, Summit seeker, Watched that girl punch the principal and Doesn’t remember anything.
Sullivan High School | BHMS BINGO | Bret Harte Bingo | Oxy Bingo | CIPLC BINGO
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