This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Cried after a performance, Icing your body, hyperextended legs for jumps, Base, uses wraps for ankles or wrists, traveled with your team to a different state, Flyer, Had an injury, has trophies or medals, is/was on an all star team, current cheerleader, Has over 5 bows, retired cheerleader, tumbles, HS cheerleading, plays another sport other than cheer, college cheerleader, Cried after the season was over, Fell from a stunt, owns 2 or more a pairs of shoes, gets along with teammates, Back, had practice for 6+ hrs and likes competitions.
220 BINGO | 220 BINGO | Human Bingo | UD Nursing BINGO | OYSP BINGO
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