This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Got beat up by McCray, Went to a basketball game, Cursed a teacher out, Talked to someone from the campus, Fw a senior when you were in a lower grade then them, Play fought and got in trouble, Argued in the lunchroom, Came to school smacked, Went to the nurse for condoms, Got money stolen from you, Flirted with a teacher, Got into a fight, Got kicked out your major, Got caught on the elevator, Experienced Ms.key craziness, Went to spring fling, did the nasty in the staircase, Went on a trip to Lehman for Popeyes, Got yelled at by Johnson or Blige, Chilled in Johnson's office, Cried in school, Had Ms.Appleton chat your ears off, Made fun of Johnson hairline and Got caught in a hall sweep.
GW Bingo | SBCA BINGO | phs bingo bad kid edition | Back to School - STS version | OFS
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