This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: been yelled at by janis, been followed to the dressing room by janis, been put in the back for middle school kids, was in “no boys” dance, did ballet in jazz class, went to the bathroom to skip combinations, been separated from friends, done the same combination 4 weeks ina row, still don’t know the jazz dance by march, fell while going across the floor, been told to spit your gum out, watched janis dump water out in the floor and step in it, been called out for not wearing your tap shoes, had to do the combination over again because you didn’t do it right, been on your phone in changing room, had a talk with choskie, been ignored by janis, been told to put your hair up, sat there talking while janis is doing abs, had to dress as a boy for a dumb dance, been threatened to have your phone taken, had to warm up to Mexican music, talked Janis into having a popcorn party instead of having class and talked while Janis was teaching a combination.
DaNCe EtC. ScHOoL oF peRfoRmINg ARtS | NEST+m | Gladbrook-Reinbeck BINGO | Trey Smith | DBT's Ballet Quarantine Bingo
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