This bingo card has 1 images and 19 words: m. 24-33 Alla Danza- Follow the staccato and slur markings., m. 67-75 Souvenir- Count carefully., Start at m. 71 in Alla Danza and practice taking the D.C. al sign and then going to the Coda., m. 51-59 Souvenir- find the 2 hardest measures and practice 3x correctly., m. 43-51 Souvenir- play the rhythm on an open string and then play normally., m. 91-99 Souvenir-air bow first and then play normally., m. 33-41 Alla Danza- follow the dynamics., m. 93-end Dragon Dances- gradually crescendo til the end., m. 37-53 Dragon Dances- bowing!, m. 81-90 Dragon Dances- pizz!, m. 41-57 Alla Danza-practice with no slurs and then add slurs back in., Coda Alla Danza-practice the bowing., m. 35-43 Souvenir- Clap and count out loud and then play, m. 61-73 Dragon Dances- ff!, m. 9-24 Alla Danza- air bow then play, Play Dragon Dances along with the recording in the Orchestra Resources Folder on Buzz. You probably need headphones to hear it!, m. 71-76 Alla Danza- watch for intonation!, Play one of the songs for a family member or pet. and Play through your favorite piece..
6th Grade Orchestra Practice Bingo | 7th Grade Orchestra Practice Bingo | Name: _______________ | Spring Orchestra BINGO | Winter Break Orchestra Bingo
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Learn how to conduct a bingo game.
With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.