This bingo card has 25 words: FREE, Laughed out loud with a customer, Had music on all day, Lost track of what day it is, Watched a new release movie, Started a new hobby/craft, Ate 2 servings of veggies & fruit today, Spoke w/customer in CA, Brushed my hair, Put make-up on/shaved face stubble, Talked about sports with someone, Stayed in my pj's all day, Supported a local business today, Shared recipe with someone, Wore 'real clothes' today, Didn't eat ANY bread today, Had only 2 cups of coffee (or less), Talked about pets with someone, Did exercise from daily email, Used delivery for food/groceries, Danced like nobody was watching, Showered today!, Spoke to someone in NY, Went to bed at a decent hour and FREE.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: FREE (2)
GCB Dial Bingo | Call Center Bingo | Bank | Customer Service Bingo Round 2 | Aire Serv / CSR Bingo
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