Chorus Bingo

Chorus Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 27 words: Asks a question already answered, Yells to someone in another room, Pet / child appears on camera, A bass opines, A soprano wears a scarf, Someone cackles, A crèche member fails to keep a straight face, Neil visibly regrets his decision to host, Someone mentions Boris Johnson, Someone raises their hand and says "Neil?", Someone unmutes themselves, Chorus constitution mentioned, Someone critiques Over the Rainbow / Ode to Joy, Someone asks how to see everyone at once, Someone comments on a background, Someone says "The chorus has survived worse", Someone suggests a VNOP (virtual night of the proms), Someone says "isn't that clever!" in reference to some basic technology, Someone mentions the slogan pencils, Helen shows her saint like patience, Helen Jorg is the best voice rep, Someone tries to talk without realising they're on mute, Someone brings up something another choir did online, Creche member is late, Someone brings up What We Did at the Proms [insert year here], Someone suggests another chorus-wide quiz and "Unprecedented".

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