This bingo card has a free space and 62 words: Cleaned Room, Home Spa Day, Stayed in bed all day, Cooked a meal, Walked Dog, Read a non school book, Argued with siblings, Colored own hair, Eaten junk food, Snapchat, Not showered for 3 days, Watched Tiger King, Called a family member, written a letter, Not brushed your hair for 3 days, Talked with your teachers, Used Zoom, played video games, Washed a pet, Mow the lawn or yard work, Used zoom or google classroom, Cleaned the house, Washed a car, Stayed in jammies all day, Eaten candy for breakfast, Eaten breakfast for dinner, Worn a mask, Social distance with friends, Grown a vegtable, Gotten to know a sibling better, Gotten to know a parent better, Visited a family member social distancing, Put make up on someone in your house., Done homework, Eaten at midnight, Played music for hours, Played board games, Planted flowers, Learned a new skill, Went for a walk, Went for a bike ride, Gotten coffee at a drive thru, Colored or drew something, Painted, Completed or started a jigsaw puzzle, Dressed up, Curled your hair, Shaved your head, Cut your own hair or someone else's in your household, Graduated during Quarantine/stay at home orders!, l, Celebrated a birthday, l, Didn't go outside for over 48 hours during quarantine, Attended an online game night during quarantine, Re-arranged bedroom furniture during quarantine, Watched Tiger King, Started a new hobby during quarantine, Took a walk every day of quarantine, Adopted a new pet during quarantine, Cancelled a 2020 vacation and Bakes banana bread during quarantine.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: Watched Tiger King (2), l (2)
Lockdown Bingo | QuaranTEEN Bingo | Haas Isolation BINGO | Corona Bingo | Quarantine Bingo
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