Instacart Bingo

Instacart Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 51 words: “Do you work here”, More than 3 cases of water, Special request item, Staged order to cart, End cap reset, Seasonal item (aisle 27), Candle, Item from meat market case, Ask for help from H-E-B partner, More than 20 labels, Exotic fruit, Create Slack post, Hit efficiency goal @ end of shift, Candy at checkout, Floral!, App problems :(, 1 item order, More than 2 deli items, Help a FSS!, Obscure ramen flavor, More than 3 cases of soda, Use HEB app to find item, Partner helped you bag!, Sweep floor, Replaced an item, Customer uses emoji, Cleaning shift, Waited in line @ deli, Waited in line @ fish market, Single item costs more than $20, Item from outside of the store, Heavier than 20 pounds, Said “hi” to Curbside partner, Kombucha!, Customer meant single bananas, not bunches, Dented can, Saw a spill, Found an expired item, Fancy cheese case item, Vegan fridge, Vitamins, Baby food, Ground your own coffee, Cat/dog toy, Gluten-free freezer, Mixer from aisle 18, 10 items or less, Short shift! 3 hours or less, Long shift! 6 hours or less, Healthy Living bulk item and Dog in the store!.

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.