This bingo card has 25 words: Client doesn't answer phone, Phone goes straight to voicemail, Phone is disconnected, "...and a nail trim.", Doctor appointment that is actually a tech appointment, "Has never had fleas.", Client doing weird stuff in car while waiting, Client waiting outside front door, Not eating, Client stupid early, Client stupid late, Only has cash, Didn't bring any form of payment, Allergies, Receptionist yells at client through front door to call us, Parks on the other side of the parking lot, Hoxboxed car, Ear infection thats actually a foxtail, Client can't find pet, DG gets mad about how badly he's losing, MJ finds MORE foxtails, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Client paying too much attention to pet, nothing wrong with pet. and Urine spray.
Bingo # 4 | Veterinary Curbside Bingo #3 | Veterinary Receptionist Bingo | Vet Tech Bingo! | Vet Tech Bingo!
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