This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Actually saw another AA in person, Completed all CBLs, Found a favorite podcast to listen to during work, Take your temperature at home before work, Smiled at someone while wearing your mask, Bought a face mask, Wifi went down while working, Forgotten your badge when working at the hospital, Drank a glass of water, "Oh, I think you're still muted", "Can everyone see my screen?", Made a new food/meal that is now a favorite, Always carry hand sanitizer with you, now, "Can you please mute your line?", Bought lunch/dinner from a food truck, Took a quick walk to stretch your legs, Completed updates on your AA manual, Have dry hands from washing them so much, Made a make-shift office/desk area, 5+ WebEx meetings in one week, Completed a puzzle, Use your elbow to press elevator buttons, Did house chores during your lunch break and Made a face mask.
Virtual Bingo | Work From Home | Work From Home BINGO! | MMIP Summer, School, and WFH Bingo! | Team Blue Bingo
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