Italy Bingo

Italy Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 99 words: colosseum, S’IL VOUS PLAIT, pizza, mask, espresso, Leaning Tower, scooter, artist, spaghetti, gondola, statue, Pope, Euro, Rome, Italian, Tuscany, Campania, Sicily, Calabria, Mascarpone, Sardinia, Southern E., Milan, Florence, Bologna, Venice, Sienna, Turin, Roman Empire, Renaissance c., leonardo DA v., Fashion, Lasagna, Gelato, Ciao, Addio, Si, Grazie, libro, Modena, Ferrari, Capri, Limoncello, Stromboli, Umbria, Porta Nuova, Naples, Luciano p., Republic Day, Wine, Prosciutto, Olive Oil, Michaelangelo, Machiavelli, Dante, Rossellini, Puccini, Mount Vesuvius, Grapes, Uffizi Gallery, Vatican M., Saint Francis, Mussolini, Gianni Versace, Florence Nightingale, Pompeii, Edgar Degas, Maria Montessori, Basilica, Arcades, Arno River, Palazzo Ganto, Architecture, Medici, Café, Duomo, Ponte Vecchio, Cathedral, Boboli G., Soccer, Rugby, Feast, Piazzo San, Giotto's Bell, Florentine Cuisine, Mercato C., Canolli, Stibbert M, Pitti Palace, Pasta, Carnival, Bruschetta, Panettone, fritatta, Lily, Wolf, CANAL, Museums and Galleries.

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