This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Dropped Customers Food/Items, Road Rage during Delivery, Made +$1000 in a week, $10-$15 Tip, Cancelled Delivery Right After Accepting It, Waited +30 mins for Ping, ¢0.01 Tip, Pickup Order button didn't work, 10 deliveries in one day, Postmates Card Didn't Work, Couldn't find Address, Got free food from Cancelled Delivery, Delivery Auto-Added, 20+ Minute Wait for Order, Delivered only Fries, Car Accident During Delivery, Parking Ticket, No Show Customer, In-Person Complaint, Recieved tip in Cash, +$20 Tip, Delivered to a non-residential Address, Delivered past 12am and No tips 5 orders in a row.
OT FOOD WEEK BINGO | DoorDash VDay Bingo | Domino's Driver Bingo | WHF / Quarantine Bingo | CNP BINGO
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