This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Matt Eisler is interrupted by his wife or kids during zoom, A partner is on zoom from his or her mountain house, Someone has to be reminded they are on mute, Andy Lillie wears Michigan-themed clothing, Someone talks about something new they've tried to cook, A pet walks through the zoom screen, Mike Theis talks about fishing, Someone says "nice to virtually meet you, Spot hiking/ camping climbing equipment in a home office, Clay James mentions his motorcycle, Someone does a cheers to the camera, Zach Martinez tells a dad joke, Craig Umbaugh discusses sports, Someone mentions Russel Hedman's music video, An attorney from Minneapolis comes to a virtual event, A partner's screen is adjusted so they aren't fully in the frame, Someone is wearing a school shirt, Ana Tenzer and Lea Ann Fowler join an event while together, Someone references Liz Och's baking, Bobby Thalman's dog (Waffles) sits on his lap, Someone refers to the pandemic as "strange times", Someone is late to start the zoom meeting, Heather uses a virtual background and Someone complains about all the fireworks.
NWRS Zoom Bingo | Schusterman Library Bingo | KEYENCE BINGO | Virtual Team Meeting BINGO | Thrivent EOY Celebration
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