Contagion Watch Bingo

Contagion Watch Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 33 words: Closed Borders, Hospital Overcowding, CDC, WHO, CDC Lab, Homeopathy, Computer Simulation of Spread of Virus, Rioting, Mention of H1N1, Mention of SARS, Wet market scene, Natural Immunity, Virus is terrorist plot theory, Run on grocery stores, Contact Tracing, Conspiracy Theory, Bad getting sick joke, Rogue scientist, Attempt to profit from virus, Fake drug cure, Taco Bell reference, Snow Angels, Spanish Flu Reference, Anti - Vaxxer, Red Cross, Contact trace reveals cheating, Politician resistance to CDC, Uncovered coughing, Fomites - Surface transmission, Facebook Reference, Infection on Twitter, Novel virus reference and Social Distancing.

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