This bingo card has a free space and 27 words: In case I’m looking for some flex PD opportunities/ideas, where can staff find the choice boards from April and May, 2020?, Where can I find the document I need to fill out to record my PD and parent contacts for the flex days?, Where can I find a current calendar of all HG events?, Where can I find the Eagle Hour lessons?, I’m a new teacher. What are the requirements for me as a new teacher? Who is my mentor?, Where do you go on the Hocker Hub to access PLM related materials and who is our building PLM rep?, What if I’m on evaluation this year? Where can I go to learn more about the process? (Be specific)., I need to refer back to a recent Grove Report, but I accidentally deleted it (and cleared out my trash), and need to find the latest report, where do I go?, If I need to know which administrator is in charge of technology, where do I go?, If I would like to be my department’s BLT rep, where do I go to find out the process?, I don’t usually sponsor a club. Where would I go to check in students who are staying after school?, I have a student who has reached their 4th tardy. How do I locate the next step in the tardy process?, What are the steps I take to locate a digital copy of the Crisis Handbook?, If I’m looking for a current copy of the bell schedule, where can I locate it?, This schedule may not be applicable now, but where do I go to reserve a time in the library?, I don’t know how to use the Speedgrader and cannot locate it in the Growing with Canvas Modules, where can I find it on the Hocker Hub?, I need to send an email to my horizontal PLC, but cannot remember everyone’s names. Where can I locate the Feeder School Staff list?, I am in need of strategies to support my ELL students. Where can I locate some ideas on the Hocker Hub?, I would really like to invite HG’s instructional coach into my classroom. However, I don’t know if she offers support for what I need. Where can I go to locate this information?, I have a student who is really struggling with their behavior in class. How can I refer them to the counseling department?, What page in the HG Handbook can I find the required night duties for the 20-21 school year?, HELP!! My Apple TV stopped working and all of the office staff is busy. Where can I locate an Apple remote in my hallway?, A student in my Eagle Hour cannot remember their password to access their Google Drive. How can I help them without bothering Carol aka Ms. Edds?, If the NWEA app is not working, where can I go to problem solve?, I need to enter discipline into Skyward, but do not know how to do this. Where can I find this information?, My students are struggling with proper MacBook use. They need a refresher on MacBook expectations. Where is the “MacBook Bootcamp” presentation located? and My co-teacher is awesome and I want to show them I value them. Where do I find their “favorite” things?.
Hocker Hub Bingo | Hocker Hub Bingo | How to THRIVE in Spanish Class! | New Year Bingo | Junior Week FlowDoc Bingo
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about 9 items before someone wins. There's a 0.67% chance that a lucky player would win after calling 4 items. Typically, 1 player will win at a time.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.