This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Set videos to 1.5x speed or more, Woken up less than 20 minutes before next live class meeting, Consistently go to bed past 3 am, Accidentally left mic unmuted before, Been in an awkward Breakout Room session, Optional meeting? Skipppppp, Clubs? What are those?, Stopped working to play Among Us, Been screwed over by ProctorTrack, Kinda missing in-person classes tbh, Use 3 or more sites for courses and coursework, Haven't turned on facecam once yet, In a groupchat for every class, Have at least 2 course groupchats muted, In a class Discord server, Already really stressed out by classes and workload, Have discussion posts :|, Play music during live class meetings, Seen a Twitch emote in a live lecture chat, Seen the "assignment writing" bots on GroupMe, Haven't left the house once this semester, Professor having tech troubles, Joined the wrong Zoom call before and Heard someone else accidentally leave their mic unmuted before.
Kev's Online Semester Bingo | Remote Work Themed Bingo | Leigh Longhorns 2021 Bingo! | UCLA BINGO | Never Have I Ever
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