homestuck character themes videos

homestuck character themes videos Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Marina song for dirk, Dave's song focuses on his cool, john is white ppl music, emo trinity is used (panic, FOB, MCR), Evanescence, really obscure characters present, anime fan art, you can't fight the homestuck, sober gamzee only, jake is angel with a shotgun, roxy is some party song, variations of characters (trickster, sober etc.), some make no sense, organized: Beta, trolls, alpha, etc., shipping, rose is some form of subtle edge, no rap music, from 3+ years ago, karkat has edge and/or profanity, aradia is only dead, you're gonna go far kid, bee sollux, dubstep and chosen songs focus on one characteristic.

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