Covid Infection Bingo

Covid Infection Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 43 words: Ivanka, Alex Azar, Mitch McConnell, Tiffany, Mick Mulvaney, Dan Scavino, Mike Pence, Wilbur Ross, Kayleigh McEnany, Rudy Giulani, Lindsay Graham, Mark Meadows, Peter Navarro, Eric, Amy Coney Barrett, Bill Barr, Jared, Steve Mnuchin, Mike Pompeo, Chris Christy, Ben Carson, Junior, Betsy DeVos, Kimberley Guilfoyle, Nikki Haley, Stephen Miller, Rand Paul, Rick Scott, Brett Kavanaugh, Tim Scott, Clarence Thomas, Susan Collins, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ron DeSantis, Louis Gohmert, Tom Cotton, John Cornyn, James Inhofe, John Kennedy, Neil Gorsuch, John Roberts and Larry Kudlow.

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