This bingo card has 40 words: Ground tether for 2 minutes by leaves, Around at left hinged door, Put on vest/bandanna 2x, Picture of puppy with their favorite treat, Sit in heel position, Down in heel postion, Food puzzle for a meal, Back up 2 steps in heel by a wall, Settle on leash during a meal at table, Picture of you wearing hat/mask /costume with your puppy, Practice leave it with a Halloween item 4 feet away, Practice stay in an easy location, Stand in heel position, Tether your puppy and go out of sight for 1 minute, Settle somewhere the puppy can see other people, Down near a chair for 15 minutes, Stand near a curb for 1 full traffic cycle, Go to mat, Use an object/paw pad/platform to work on "stand", Practice gentle treat taking, Assess puppy's Body Condition Score, 15 minute sniff walk, Brush your puppy, Bridesmaid walk on a stair case, Practice heel with 90 degree turns, Recall on leash (from 6 ft away), Handler's exam, Relaxation Protocol (any or make up one for a task at home), Practice heel without a leash in your house for 2 minutes, Practice loose leash walking indoors with leash on for 2 minutes, Photo relaxation protocol and take picture by some Halloween themed, Happily say "trick or treat" and reward for calm behavior, Massage your puppy, Play hide and seek with your puppy, Practice treat placement in front of mirror, Play "I Spy" with your puppy for 3 minutes, Practice "chin" while sitting behind puppy in a chair, Sit/down stay while you go towards front door, Sit/down stay while you touch front door knob and Short walk in the dark outside or indoors.
Dog Training Mystery BINGO | Dog Training Mystery BINGO | Atlanta GDF April/May Video Challenge | SPRING MYSTERY BINGO | SATURDAY PM ADVANCED CLASS
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