College Day BINGO

College Day BINGO Card

This bingo card has a free space and 104 words: Community College, Application, In-State tuition, Grant, GPA, Letter of Recommendation, Work-study programs, Four-year College, Research admissions requirements, The Federal Gov't, Bachelor's Degree, October 1, FAFSA, University, Vocational-Technical / Career Colleges, Financial Aid, Out of state tuition, Associate's Degree, Application Fees, Loan, Be mindful of your online presence!, Admissions Essay, Associate's degree, Scholarship, Public college, Private college, prerequisite, Four-year college, Two-year college, Liberal arts college, University, Community colleges, Vocational-technical / career college, Associate's degree, Bachelor's degree, Graduate degree, Professional degree, In-State tuition, Application Deadlines, College application, Admissions essay, Letter of recommendation, Financial aid, The federal government, Grants, Scholarships, Loans, Work-study programs, FAFSA, October 1st, Ivy Tech, Major, Academic Scholarships, Sports Scholarships, Advanced Placement, Application Deadlines, Universities, Community colleges, Vocational-technical / career college, Colleges with a special focus, Dual Credit, Campus, Alumni, Lecture, Application Fees, Minor, Transcripts, College application, Admissions essay, Letter of recommendation, Financial aid, The federal government, Vincennes, Scholarships, Graduate, Work-study programs, Faculty, Tutor, out of state tuition, Lincoln Tech, College Board, IU, Purdue, University of Southern Indiana, ACT, SAT, Notre Dame, Indiana Weslyan, Taylor University, Rose-Hulman Inst. of Tech, Indiana Tech, Wabash, Franklin College, University of Indianapolis, Public college, Private college, Grants, Loans, FAFSA, Four-year college, Two-year college, CTE, Dual Credit and HS Credits.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: In-State tuition (2), Work-study programs (3), FAFSA (3), University (2), Application Fees (2), Associate's degree (2), Public college (2), Private college (2), Four-year college (2), Two-year college (2), Community colleges (2), Vocational-technical / career college (2), College application (2), Admissions essay (2), Letter of recommendation (2), Financial aid (2), The federal government (2), Grants (2), Scholarships (2), Loans (2), Dual Credit (2)

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