Judicial Branch

Judicial Branch Bingo Card

This bingo card has 17 words: Free!, The Supreme Court of the U.S is the highest court in the land, All Justices are nominated by the President,, All justices confirmed by the Senate, All justices hold office under life tenure, Justices remain in office until they resign, pass away, impeached, Since 1869 there have been nine Justices, Supreme Court is the final arbiter on matters of federal law, The Court’s task is to interpret the meaning of a law, The Courts task is to decide whether a law is relevant facts, The Courts task is to rule on how a law should be applied, Lower courts are obligated to follow Supreme Court precedent, The Supreme Court usually does not hold trials, Checks and Balances, Supreme Court can declare presidential actions unconstitutional, 13 Courts of Appeal and 94 U.S District Courts.

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