Quality Bingo

Quality Bingo Card

This bingo card has 10 images, a free space and 90 words: Audit, Accreditation, Standards, Agile, Customer Satisfaction, Black Belt, Cause analysis, CE marking, Certification, Sigma, Champion, Changeover, Chart, Compliance, Conformance, Consultant, Continuous Improvement, Control, Culture, Customer-supplier model, Cycle, Decision matrix, Deming cycle, Diagnosis, DMAIC, Error proofing, Ethics, Feedback, Five S's (5S), Flow, Gap analysis, Green Belt, Improvement, Indicators, ISO 9000 series, Just-in-time, Inspection, Kanban, Process, Leadership, Lean, Matrix, Policy, Process flow diagram, Pull system, Quality control, Quality management, Recall, Robustness, Satisfaction, Sigma, SIPOC diagram, Stakeholder, Standardization, Suboptimization, Supplier, Surveillance, Throughput, Value added, Values, Yellow Belt, Waste, Growing global, 2030 Strategy, Redesigning offerings, Internal audit, Assessment, Second party audit, remote audit, Chartership, Practitioner, Fellow, Learning and development, Special interest groups, branches, Quality professional, Competency framework, Network, Independent body, CPD, Defense, Rail, Energy, Construction, Pharmaceutical, Nuclear, CQI Volunteers, Supply chain, Risk management and Customer.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: Sigma (2)

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