This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Customer didn't know the movie was in 3D, Customer makes a bad joke; you fake laugh, "Enjoy your show" "you too", Incorrect pronunciation of movie title, Customer has 21 time for their movie, Customer asks about an item they lost, "what movies are out?" "What's starting now?", Customer gets confused and tries to backtrack in the line, Employee/ Manager/ Companion pass, Customer actually wants to start a Regal card, Customer tries to see rated R movie and doesn't have ID/isn't old enough, Someone calls in the middle of a rush, Microphone messes up and customer doesn't hear you, Customer asks where we have our kiosk, Customer takes longer than a minute looking for their Regal card and ends up not finding it, Someone needs change that requires other coins beside quarters, Someone asks your opinion on a movie, preferable one you haven't seen yet, Problem happens in the middle of a rush when the box manager isn't there, Someone is 2+ hours early to their movie, Someone walks in with food/ a skateboard/ etc., "Do you want to start a Regal card?" "What is it?" *Explains* "No thanks", Customer shows ticket stub to get parking validated, Customer leans in and talks directly into the speaker and Someone has an accent and you can barely understand them.
Box Bingo | Box Bingo | Box Bingo | Reception Bingo | Tickets Bingo
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