League of Legends Bingo

League of Legends Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 107 words: "Sry I can't jg", Teammate trash talks your team in all-chat, Invade or be invaded, Enemy botlane is duo-queued, "uninstall", Steal Baron or Elder Dragon, yasuo goes ?/10/?, Teammate disconnects after failed /ff, "switch or i feed", Top laner with higher vision score than jungler, someone dodges after almost everyone picks, "balanced", Enemy team gets drag soul, your team has no dragons, "is this ranked?", enemy team pulls the bush strat, "gg ez", non-support champ played support, another lane gives you "advice", enemy team gets drag un-contested, ARAM before any towers are taken, any comment on female players, "don't worry we scale", jg misses smite, objective gets stolen, "racial slur", "homophobic slur", enemy emoting in lane, getting spam pinged "?", /all "worthless team", "bot diff", "jg diff", "mid diff", "top diff", accuses you of feeding then proceeds to feed/int, enemy team lane swaps, get hooked through a wall, get killed under your tower, enemy lux steals drag with R, ult but get no kills, zhonya's but still die, enemy bot lane champs both have CC, fed Garen, fed Nasus, fed Zed, fed Yi, fed Rengar, fed Warwick, fed Pyke, enemy flashes mastery below 7, accidentally steal jg first buff, jg gets mad at camp/buff stealing after 25 min, 3+ /ff attempts, "winnable", "group mid" but no-one listens, "is asking for assistance" but no one helps, teammate with 200+ ping, "sorry lag", "ff, i have to go _______", "busted", enemy support with more kills than ADC, main gets banned or picked, win 3 in a row, lose 3 in a row, someone AFKs before 15 minutes, teammate pings they took the wrong runes, teammate forgets to buy items, "we need vision", teammate with <10 vision at 20 mins, enemy team ace, your team ace, someone gets a penta, "don't end", "pls end", "yuumi get on me", jg doesn't take oracle / sweeper, "pls dodge", someone bans a teammate's hovered champ, get held hostage, someone takes weird summoners, flash into a wall, accidentally use a summoner, accidentally use your R, someone dies to fountain turret, survive with <50 health, win game with deaths > kills + assists, win with less than 100 CS, 50 more CS than lane opponent, 5 man bot before 15 mins, play against a 5 stack, rift used in your lane, 2+ barons, 2+ elder dragons, 5 team deaths by 10 minutes, enemy laner with a clone, your lane takes first tower, your lane takes first inhib, end with 50+ DH stacks, remake due to AFK, top lane flames, never roams, mid lane flames, never roams, 45+ minute game, first blood before 2 mins, ult impacts 3-5 enemies, skin to win, end with 0 deaths, first pick ___ for me, "i wanna play viego" and "you stole my champ".

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.