This bingo card has a free space and 43 words: $52MM, "Overarching", "Transparency", "Can everyone see my screen?", Someone forgets to mute, Barking dog(s), Awkward silence, Someone starts presenting while muted, "Fuel", "Agility", "Holistic", "Celebrate Wins", Someone uses a made up swap word, "At the end of the day", "CYA", "Does that make sense?", "Think outside the box", "Best Practice", Cat walks across desk, "I cant see you when I'm presenting", "Can everyone mute?", "Next slide please", Feedback that sounds like a car accident, "We are going to wait one more minute...", ..."and then we'll get started", Very loud typing, Someone thinks their camera is off, it is not, Weird Teams background choice, "I am not a cat", Graphic t shirt, Powerpoint malfunction, "Let me share my screen", "Its taking a while to load", someone is eating, Someone has the tv on in the same room, someone takes a call but keeps camera on, Weather talk, Sports talk, "ask your RM", Beasts Of The East, North East Region, PPVD Polo and "I would be remiss if I didnt...".
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