This bingo card has a free space and 55 words: Someone brings up ANIDs or user ids, Someone attributes a shortcoming to Verizon Media, Someone praises Verizon Media, Someone attributes a shortcoming to Bing/MSAN, Someone praises Bing/MSAN, Someone mentions someone in Ro's team, Someone mentions someone in Jeff's team, Someone mentions D&I, Someone mentions AppNexus/Xandr, Someone mentions cookieless, Someone mentions age of cookie, Someone mentions age of muid, Someone mentions finance, Someone mentions hitting budget and revenue, Someone mentions team effort, Someone talks about unified auction, Someone talks about monetization per pixel, Someone mentions braintrust, Someone mentions Crieo, Someone mentions contract, Someone mentions FAN, Someone mentions FY22, Someone coughs or sneezes, 2 or more people talk at the same time, Construction sounds in the background, Animal(s) in the background, Kid(s)/Babies in the background, Nature video background, Someone wants to take conversation offline, Someone has to jump to another call, Someone talks while they are on mute, Someone asks "can everyone see my screen?", Someone asks if everyone can hear them, 10 or more seconds of awkward silence, 5 or more "thank you" in a row, Powerpoint malfunction, Someone raises their hand, but forgets to lower it after talking, Only every other words comes through, Echo, Someone claps in Teams meeting, Someone is eating during meeting, Someone gives a heart to a message, Someone gives a thumbs up to a message, House plant in background, Someone mentions the weather, Screen share freeze or malfunction, Someone in the team introduces themselves during a team only meeting, Someone brings up big news, Someone says "I'm not a cat", Someone mentions Stadia, Someone mentions night skiing, Someone mentions baking, Someone brings up taking a course, Someone mentions an accident and Someone mentions mid-winter break.
Shark Week Bingo | Shark Week Bingo | Burst Bingo | OFFICE BINGO test | Birthday Girl
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