Medicrea-Medtronic WFH Bingo (English) !

Medicrea-Medtronic WFH Bingo (English) ! Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Ordered delivery food during work hours, Started a new Netflix/Hulu series, Wore the same outfit 2 days in a row, Scheduled a Zoom meeting, Ordered something online you didn't need, Double muted yourself by accident, Free space for anyone who lives alone !, Wore pajama pants to a meeting, Had 7+ video conference calls in 1 day, Legs fell asleep from sitting for so long, Pet made a Zoom appearance, Saw your co-worker's kitchen, Wifi went down during a meeting, Spouse/roommate walks into a video call, Attempted a do-it-yourself standing desk, Did a workout midday, Had virtual lunch with a friend, Learned a new hobby/skill, Made a custom Zoom background, Listened to music while you worked, Said "Can everyone see my screen?", Did a virtual happy hour, Got food on your keyboard and Said "You're on mute".

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